Obee Network invite registration event has started

Obee Network
2 min readNov 18, 2020

Obee Network invites registered friends to start! Invite friends to register to get 50 OBEE, and 100,000 OBEE awards are being issued! ! !

Dear Obee Network users:

In order to promote a richer and more diversified social platform, Obee Network decided to launch a popular event that invites registration and rewards.

Reward details:

Registration rewards: By inviting newcomers to register on the Obee Network social platform, they can get 50 OBEE worth of rewards. The more invitations, the more rewards stack up. Inviting users can continue to get OBEE rewards by posting, commenting, and liking.

Invite Ranking Award: The user who invites the largest number of people can win a great prize of 19999. The user who invites the first (a total of one) will get 19999 OBEE, the second (two in total) will get 9999 OBEE, the third (three in total) will get 5999 OBEE, and the 4th-20th will get 2000 OBEE, the 21st~60th place will get 800 OBEE.

Invitation Ranking Award (OBEE)

Twitter activities: follow @ObeeNetwork Twitter account, forward, comment, leave https://www.obee.vip, user name can get 500 OBEE reward.

Activity time: 11.17~11.28

【Project Introduction】

Obee Network is a content social platform based on contribution mining. The team is committed to providing ordinary users with the first social product to enter the blockchain. Using the contribution proof algorithm, after accurate calculation, provide users with token rewards.

Website: obee.info

Obee Network Content Network social platform: https://www.obee.vip

AndroidAPP: https://obee.info/package/ObeeNetwork-cn.apk

White paper: https://obee.top/whitepaper/OBEE-Whitepaper-cn.pdf

Twitter: https://twitter.com/ObeeNetwork

Quotes software:

CoinMarketCap: https: //coinmarketcap.com/es/currencies/obee-network

CoinGecko: https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/obee-network

Livecoinwatch: https://www.livecoinwatch.com/price/ObeeNetwork-OBEE


Tiger Symbol: https: //hoo.com/spot/obee-usdt



OBEE token contract: 0x3678d8CC9Eb08875A3720f34c1C8d1e1B31F5A11

🔥TX, used to burn tokens:

🍧Circulation: 31320000 OBEE

How to get OBEE💰?
1. Get it from Uniswap exchange

2. If you are an Obee Network member user or a normal user, you can create articles or participate in comments on Obee Network and hope to earn income.

Telegraph Exchange Group:

International Exchange Group: https://t.me/ObeeNetwork

Newsgroup: https://t.me/ObeeNetworkNews

Arabic: https://t.me/obee_arabic

Vietnamese: https://t.me/OBEENETWORKVIETNAM

Indonesian: https://t.me/ObeeNetworkIndonesia

Iranian: https://t.me/Obee_Network_Persian_Community

Malay: https://t.me/obeenetworkmalaysia

Portuguese: https://t.me/ObeeNetworkPortuguese

Bengali: https://t.me/ObeeNetwork_bangladesh

Customer Service WeChat: ObeeNetwork



Obee Network

A social product dedicated to ordinary users entering the blockchain:https://obee.info Product:https : //www.obee.vip