Obee Network pledged mining revenue begins

Obee Network
Oct 28, 2020

Obee Network will start “SVIP pledge income mining” on October 25. As an incentive mining platform, Obee Network distributes rights and interests to users, breaking facebook, twitter cannot give creators benefits, allowing users to get their own contribution benefits.

Operation guide:
1. Log in to register https://www.obee.vip/
2. Upgrade Obee Network membership: Click on the profile picture -> Upgrade membership

3. Choose to purchase members: Obee Network currently offers four types of members, of which only SVIP members can obtain by pledge OBEE.

4. Upload member transfer records: a screenshot of the transfer to 0xc3d77cc7a31bb66efc3ea6e34571a27152f2448d (please ensure that the address is accurate).

Finally, wait for the background review information to pass, and your Obee Network membership will be activated.

Obee Network basic information

Website: obee.info

Obee Network Content social platform👬: https://www.obee.vip

Android APP🤖: https://obee.info/package/ObeeNetwork-en.apk

Whitepaper📖: https://obee.top/whitepaper/OBEE-Whitepaper-en.pdf

Twitter🐦: https://twitter.com/ObeeNetwork

information platfor:


CoinGecko: https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/obee-network

Livecoinwatch: https://www.livecoinwatch.com/price/ObeeNetwork-OBEE


Hoo: https://hoo.com/spot/obee-usdt

Uniswap: https://uniswap.info/pair/0x11972cfbc3065da1238d1f34181ae6a726b1c651

OBEE Token contract: 0x3678d8CC9Eb08875A3720f34c1C8d1e1B31F5A11

How to get OBEE💰?
1. Get it from Uniswap exchange

2.If you are an Obee Network member user or a normal user, you can create articles or participate in comments on Obee Network, and like to get income.

Telegram Exchange Group:

International exchange group: https://t.me/ObeeNetwork

News group:https://t.me/ObeeNetworkNews

Arabia: https://t.me/obee_arabic

Vietnam: https://t.me/OBEENETWORKVIETNAM

Indonesia: https://t.me/ObeeNetworkIndonesia

Iranian community: https://t.me/Obee_Network_Persian_Community

Malaysian community: https://t.me/obeenetworkmalaysia



Obee Network

A social product dedicated to ordinary users entering the blockchain:https://obee.info Product:https : //www.obee.vip